Constituo Gather is an electronic forms software-as-a-service designed to be “end user easy” for knowledgeable, non-IT users, to design, publish and automate custom web forms. Constituo’s cloud platform provides the features you would expect of a forms application to quickly build and deploy forms to your websites, email campaigns and even embed within other applications.

Constituo Gather is an electronic forms software as-a-service

Responsive Design

Use templates, widgets, and structured form features to seamlessly build forms that render well on a variety of devices and screen sizes.


Build forms quickly and easily, dragging and dropping from a pre-built widget toolkit and a custom widget library.

Event Driven

With no programming required, capture user activity and dynamically update the form in real-time.

Real-time Integration

Use form events or Integration Suite features to update your systems in real-time with user input.


Multiple Formats

Build forms quickly and easily with structured forms or use a free-form format for precision customization

Custom Events

Build user event handling with simple drag and drop or customize events with our robust scripting language


Build and utilize an extensive template library to generate forms with similar features or heming

Custom Widgets

Encapsulate common functionality and heming as a custom widget for reuse across multiple forms

Style Libraries

Create and apply style libraries for consistency and branding

One-Click Publish

Publish your form with a single click to be used as standalone form or to embed in your website

Do you need a smart forms solution?

  • Still accepting PDFs from students and staff and then manually entering this data into other systems?
  • Hiring consultants to build or modify expensive, one-off web forms?
  • Want to allow your business users to quickly and easily create form mockups without needing to know HTML or CSS?

Let’s Talk!

Smart Form Solutions

Constituo’s smart form solutions, which use Constituo Gather, provide colleges & universities with elegant and responsive forms (e.g., benefit open enrollment form, course catalog search, admissions applications, etc.).

What our Clients Say